Lighter equipment manufacturers explain the structure of general lighters

DATE:2019-05-23    2845TIMES

A lighter is an ignition tool that is often used every day for fire, cigarettes, etc. So is there a certain understanding of its structure? Let the lighter equipment manufacturers come to you for details.

    The main fuel used in lighters is flammable gas. In the early days, gasoline was widely used, but it is rarely used due to its odor. At present, butane, propane and liquefied petroleum gas are mostly used. They are pressurized and filled into a closed air chamber. Once released into the air, they absorb heat and vaporize, rapidly expand and ignite. The butane (CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3) used in the lighter is n-butane. It is a generic term for two alkanes of the same molecular formula (C4H10). These include: n-butane and isobutane (2-methylpropane). Butane is a flammable, colorless, liquefiable gas. It is an important raw material for the petrochemical industry and the development of organic raw materials, and its application is receiving more and more attention.